In the Community
In an effort to continuously give back to the community that supports us, TDS participates in charitable events throughout the year.
TDS Christmas Open House & Toy Drive
Thanks to all our visitors who stopped by during the annual TDS Open House and Toy Drive on Thursday, December 5! The toy drive is held each year to help make the season a little brighter for area children in need. This year toys were donated to H.I.S. Ministries In Santa Fe.
CCISD for A.P.E. Day, “Adapted PE Day”
TDS is proud to partner with Clear Creek Independent School District for A.P.E. Day, “Adapted PE Day” for special needs students. A district tradition for more than 30 years, the event offers CCISD students with disabilities a field day full of activities accessible to students with all ability levels and physical limitations. The next event is scheduled for April 2021. More details to come!
H.I.S. Ministries
The Hardy Foundation contributes money for the Holidays to help provide meals for families in need. TDS holds the annual Open House and Toy Drive so we can donate the toys to less fortunate families of H.I.S. Ministries. TDS employees have also volunteered to assist with the resale shop, the food pantry and the toy distribution to the families at Christmas. For more, see H.I.S. Ministries